Hi, welcome to cseriestechhero.github.io!

This is Lettuce Cobbler Twinkie’s homepage…








Socials and email.


lctapps@cseriestechhero-github-io:~$ whoami

Lettuce Cobbler Twinkie, A.K.A.: CSeriestechhero, Webdriver-Ruffage, LCTapps

lctapps@cseriestechhero-github-io:~$ about

    I’ve had a passion for computers and software development since I was in early elementary school. I had messed around with the classroom computers throughout those early years and occasionally got into trouble for it.

    My first ever notable web project was a webpage called Checkmark Art, made on September 11th, 2019. It was a (badly written) webpage where a user clicked on checkmarks to create art. I was in fifth grade at that time.

    After that, I went nuts with web development in 6th grade making small web projects such as Cobbler Droid OS, an Android-inspired web desktop interface. The source code isn’t hosted anymore and lots of it has gone missing.

    The COVID-19 pandemic had struck, and I kept working more on my small web projects and eventually started a YouTube channel. From March-May of 2020, I created the app hub. the app hub was another webtop interface that took inspiration from screenshots of Google Fuchsia’s Armadillo UI. (The final work didn’t at all resemble what Armadillo had looked like.). These projects birthed LCTapps, an alternate online alias curated towards web development and photography, and other visual arts.

Lettuce Cobbler Twinkie, not code-related, is an alternate alias curated towards music produced via BandLab. I have been making music since 2019.

    Halfway into middle school, I made lots of videos for my YouTube channel and consequently performed poorly (probably my worst) academically. This was during a global pandemic, where I had been placed in front of a computer, which led me to be vulnerable to distractions during class instruction and get lost in trying to work on videos, music, and web development.

    I created a GitHub account in August of 2020. This was around the time I had written my first Chrome Packaged application, “LCTapps Browser”, based on another Chrome Packaged Browser App, that had renovated its design flaws, redesigned the icons, colors, user-interface, and window title bar. LCTapps Browser also offered a theming system.

    Later in middle school; my friends and I, who initially communicated frequently through Google Hangouts, had slowly moved to Discord. This led to me making a Discord Bot, called JazzyBot. The bot had shut down due to in-group controversy, and for privacy reasons.

I made many LCTapps-related projects around this time, many examples would include:

LCTapps Marketplace

the app hub BETA

The LCTapps about page

LCTapps Devmail

Rebranded Memes 4 Briann (now known as DTBimgB, shut down)



And more…

   The middle school I had attended enforced new policies on our computers which would block off things, but enable new features for students. (They disabled Android Apps for home accounts, but enabled any Chrome Extension or App to be downloaded.). I had decided to take advantage of this as the 7th grade school year had ended.

    8th grade happened in person. I discovered a Chrome App called Kiosk. Designed to be an application that allows businesses to show their content in Chrome Webviews, which you could customize. I had taken advantage of this mechanic, which led to the beginning of kiosk-setup, a various set of pages that would serve students tools, games, and apps they could use to bypass filters on their school machines via the Kiosk application. My middle school couldn’t observe students’ activity in legacy Chrome-packaged apps. As a part of kiosk-setup, I made a Windows-inspired webtop interface which undergone a few names.

    Context: “Me and a friend were joking around and they were like: Make sex os real’. So I did” But the name didn’t stay for long, as it had been renamed to “Funky OS”, and then “Windo 7”.

    2021 concluded, Kiosk is being used everywhere and I had combined Windo 7 with kiosk-setup which created Kiosk Home, an upgraded webtop interface based on Windo 7. This might be one of my most successful web projects besides LCTsearch.

    I’m in High School now. I’ve made websites and learned how to do it by reading through w3schools how-to tutorials, stackoverflow posts and just exploring my little playground known as the World Wide Web.

And yeah… That’s merely it. That’s my sick origin story.


lctapps@cseriestechhero-github-io:~$ about –languages

HTML r/w

CSS r/w

JS r/-


lctapps@cseriestechhero-github-io:~$ exit


Web Projects

*click the text, they open the links…

Kiosk Setup click here for more info

Instructions | /kiosk-setup/

Kiosk Home | /kiosk-setup/services/redir/basepage7/

    Windo 7 | /kiosk-setup/services/windo7



LCTapps Marketplace




LCTapps Browser






LCTapps Labyrinth






and much more, you can see all the repositories on my github!

Music Albums

Bandlab Profile


Lettuce Cobbler Twinkie - Instagram

click them, they’re links

(music section awaits renovation)


Instagram portfolio


GuruShots Profile


Photo Gallery



*click the text, they open the links…










/user/cseriestechhero lettuce.it has shut down permanently


