Cool little search engine
languageSimple web browser to open web pages. (Some sites will fail to load)
settingsChange OS preferences, theme, background, and view credits
waving_handThe window that automatically opens when Windo 8 is launched.
linkRevert to the legacy Kiosk basepage, launch links without reloading Windo 8
music_noteDemo IF (interface-fused) application. Refer to Windo # Documentation for details
sticky_note_2Simple notepad IF application. Exporting supported.
contact_supportSuggestion? Service bug? Legal beef? Go here.
ballotSurvey Conducted in early 2022. Give suggestions here.
memory...dal Scripto. Testing purposes only
folder_openLaunch web shortcuts through here.
chatRTC1998 and 1998chat, in one app on Kiosk!
web_assetSimple "command prompt". Just a small experiment
sports_esportsVideo games that can be played in Windo 8
terminalJavascript console used for evaulating JS commands and debugging Windo 8
infoView who and what makes Windo 7, or 8/Kiosk+/Kiosk Home possible
import_contactsRead up on how Windo 8 applications work